
“Last night before bed, I asked the girls what we should read. They said the poem book, I go to get their new book of poems and am greeted by hysteria, ‘No, not that one Mommy, we like the one with Ice Cream Truck and Dancing Backwards and Red Dress.’ All I could think about was how happy you and your Mom would be to know the impact these poems have made on them! One day you will have to come over and read them to them! You are like a celebrity to them with your picture in the front of the book!” – Stacy B.

“They loved this book. The next morning after I read it to them, Emily repeated “Dance Backwards, Dance Backwards’ in her sing song style. We still don't have a favorite poem but we keep reading more and more. Thank you!!” – Sheila J.

“We are currently doing a poetry unit in the classroom. I put DANCE BACKWARDS on display this morning, and the kids were immediately drawn to it... the whimsical poetry and illustrations caught their attention. It is a book of poetry that will engage them, which is always a good thing! They are really enjoying it." – Kim

"Your book has become an instant hit in our house.” – Rhys

“DANCE BACKWARDS is a wonderful book. Eye candy and sweet and wise and fun. It made me laugh and cry all at the same time.” – Carole